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DKA (Diabetic Ketoacidosis) Can Kill

Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a life-threatening complication in patients with untreated diabetes mellitus.

Here are some resources about DKA:
-A discussion topic about DKA:

-DKA Wikipedia Page:

-DKA Medline Plus page:



  1. Mrs Fenwick

    I just lost my big sister on Monday due to DKA and pneumonia. It has always been so hard for her to control her sugar levels. But god bless you and I am very sorry for the loss of your friend.

  2. amber wild

    My 5 year old almost died last year, she went DKA and had to be revived by the doctors twice and was in the ICU for two weeks. Thats when we found out that she was diabetic. While we were there in the ICU a 4 year old passed from DKA. I wish it was as you say “crap” but having almost lost my daughter, I would have to disagree. I hope that you NEVER have to experience your child that close to death, never hold them in your arms and see them gasp for air / lie there motionless in DKA

  3. Manuel Hernandez

    Actually, that is sadly possible. People who have type 1 diabetes CAN go into DKA, such as the recent case with Casey Johnson, who died from it. You can Google her name + “diabetes” so you may see it. It’s unfortunate and it should not happen, though.

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