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  1. Avinash Suresh

    Thank you for this session, ma’am. I really appreciate your in-depth breakdown of each option in these MCQs. Far too many guides only discuss the correct answer, and it was really helpful to learn about why the other options were not appropriate.

  2. Aditya Sharma

    Mam regarding question 1
    ETDRS recommend the use of focal photocoagulation for clinically significant macular edema in diabetes
    So if focal photocoagulation was in the option should we mark that?

    1. EyeMentor - Dr.Rajarathna

      ETDRS guidelines are being replaced by newer guidelines as newer treatment options are evolving!! That’s the beauty of medicine!!! You need to be updating constantly! Good luck, Adi! 🙂

  3. Sabin Lamsal

    Criteria to diagnose Clinically Significant Maculat Edema(if one of the following criteria is present we can diagnose the case as CSME) :
    1. Retinal thickening at or within 500 micron of the centre of fovea
    2.Hard exudate at or within 500 micron of the centre of fovea with associated retinal thickening of adjacent retina
    3.development of area of retinal thickening of one disc diameter or more and atleast a part of it lies in one disc diameter of foveal centre

  4. XxxxxsilvermistxxxxX

    CSME criteria (any of the three):
    1. Retinal thickening at or within 500 microns of the centre of macula.
    2. Hard exudates at or within 500 microns of the centre of macula, associated with adjacent tetinal thickening.
    3. Retinal thickening of atleast 1DD(1500 microns) any part of which lies within 1DD of the centre of the macula.

  5. s k

    Mam , What is the role of PRP in PDR? (PDR is a disease where inner retinal vascular vessels start to proliferate on vitreous scaffold. In PRP we destroy the RPE – and RPE is the outer most layer of retina. So why is PRP done to burn the outermost layer of retina in a case of PDR even though PDR is a inner retinal vascular proliferative disease ? )
    Please let me know this answer mam.

    Thank you mam for running this YouTube channel. I have seen many of your marrow videos and they helped me crack PDCET 2019 exam and I got placed for secondary DNB course in a wonderful institute. Thanks a lot mam.

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